
Senior Consultant (Freelancer)

Melissa Stahl brings many years of experience in communications and training at a global corporate level.

She is an empathetic listener who can take herself back. Her resource-oriented, structured way of working and her ability to present complex issues precisely and in clear words provide security and create a trusting atmosphere that enables sustainable change

My Style

empathic – to the point – calm

Working Languages

german – english – spanish

How to reach me


My Passion

The moments when individuals or teams suddenly see things from a new perspective and develop an understanding for other points of view fill me with joy and inspiration, because they are often the key to personal and collective change. I love helping teams to reorganize themselves, create a culture of appreciative dialogue and develop a shared vision in order to be prepared for the current challenges of our time.

What I can do for you


  • Innovation
  • Service Design Thinking
  • Agile Transformation


  • Learning Journeys
  • Agile Methods
  • Coaching

Team Development

  • Empowerment for Teams


Langjährige Erfahrung im internationalen Großkonzern im Kommunikations- und Trainingsbereich (BSH Hausgeräte GmbH)

Kompetenzfelder: Kulturarbeit und Kommunikation im Konzern, Werteentwicklung, Teamentwicklung, Selbstführung

Professional Training

Studium: Span. und ital. Sprachwissenschaft sowie Deutsch als Fremdsprache (M.A.) Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München

Weiterbildung: u. a. Ausbildung zum systemischen Business Coach (DBVC) und systemischen Teamcoach (QRC), Masterclass in Nudging (iNudgeyou), diverse, Kommunikations- und Projektmanagement-Seminare