Senior Consultant (Freelancer)
Irina effectively supports change and development processes for leaders and teams who encounter resistance in times of transition. She empowers people to develop a new perspective on their future and the journey ahead, enabling them to shape change dynamics proactively.
My Style
meaningful – connecting – inspiring
Working Languages
german – english
How to reach me
My Passion
Companies only change when the majority of their people feel excited about the future and are willing to actively contribute to shaping it. This requires developing a sense of purpose for the transformation and understanding their role as a valuable part of the bigger picture. Supporting leaders and teams in translating strategies into actionable steps, and guiding them through their implementation and adjustments, brings me great joy. I especially appreciate seeing individuals discover their personal motivation for transformation and use it to actively shape the process with their potential and dedication.
What I can do for you
- Veränderungsbegleitung von Führungskräften und Teams
- Aufbau und Begleitung von Change Ambassador und Young professionell Netzwerken
Team Development
- Teambuilding
- Teamkonflikte
- Führungskräfteentwicklung
- Karrierebegleitung von Young Professional
Seit 2016 selbständig
Vorherige Stationen im Beruf und Ausbildung:
Vordiplom in Soziologie und Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Ruprecht-Karl Universität, Heidelberg
DESERTEC Industrial Initiative, München
GOPA Worldwide Consultants, Bad Homburg
Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit, Eschborn/Berlin
MSc Politische Ökonomie, London School of Economics and Political Science
Diplom Soziologie, Freie Universität Berlin
Stipendium für Int. Wirtschaftsbeziehungen, Universität Massachusetts, Boston
Professional Training
Organisationsentwicklung, Coduco
New Work and the Future of Work, betterplace Lab
Systemdiagnostik, Hoppe
Systemisches Business Coaching, Hauser Consultants
Personal Conflict Management, Project Management, Gopa Consultants
Interkulturelles Training, save-me
Transkooptions Ò-Beraterin, Kooperativer Leadership Approach, Kottmann
Werte-Assessment, Barret Value Centre